Love in Action

Published on 8 February 2025 at 18:33

“Making plans for our lives is led by God when we allow His words to be spoken into it. We must be aware that He speaks through others to us. Thus, surrounding ourselves with wise and discerning hearts is paramount to our journey. We need instruction each day to be on the path that He created for us. The prudence of whom we keep company with just as much determines our plans as our investment into our relationship with Him.”

(from Humility and Discernment Light our Path by Lauren Frazier for Christian Planner blog)


There are formal definitions for the word humility, but if I were to define it myself it would be the following: 


Humility: submission and surrender; it’s coming to terms with the fact that you actually don’t know anything but God knows all. 


While on this journey, I am discovering that the more I understand or build understanding, the more I am aware that I know nothing at all. There is a surety or sense of solidification in knowing. It’s the difference between I have arrived versus the notion of I am arriving or en route. Understanding on the other hand acknowledges that there is an ongoing process, a marinating of words, thoughts, ideas, concepts, philosophies, ideologies, etc. 


The more I build understanding, the more I come to know myself. This knowing then serves as an activation which guides my decisions, habits, values, goals, and partnerships. I am able to better pinpoint my tribe (the people/family and covenant support network that God designed especially for me). Or rather, we were designed especially for one another. So much about humanity or the human experience is understanding that we are interconnected. Whether it be the people we see and work with everyday or a seemingly insignificant interaction with a stranger on the street, it all serves a purpose—His purpose. 


God in his infinite wisdom was so intentional about your path. He strategically places other people around you that help you unlock something within you, or you are unlocking something inside of them. Either way , when we come to understand this, we see that we are actually responsible not only for our own freedom but in freeing others. 


We are our brother’s keeper and in a world that constantly shouts messages about individualism and love of self, maybe God is whispering this reminder to you today: 


If you love me, feed my sheep. 


Deciding to commit to a life of discipleship may seem daunting, however the good news is that Jesus is with us every step of the way. When we feel like we don’t have enough or like the methods we’re employing just aren’t working out, He steps into the equation and changes things. He gives us more than we ask for by filling our cup past the brim, until it is overflowing with abundance. And yet, in all this, He increases our capacity so that our nets are never broken. 


Reference verse: John 21:11; 15-18

[11] Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, and hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.


Don’t be intimidated to do the work for God because it seems like too much. Yes, it is hard work. The truth is that there are many moments of challenge: moments that push you, stretch you, and sometimes cause you to question the very perception of your reality. However, as you catch the fish, you don’t realize that God is expanding the net. He widens your reach and increases your capacity at the level of which He knows you can handle so that as you do the work for the kingdom, you can impact and influence more and more individuals. 


The Charge!

When you’re serving God you have to be willing to stretch and change. You can’t get stuck in the old way of doing things just because that’s been your default. No, instead you have to engage the spirit man inside of you and seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit so that He can direct your path and your thinking. Doing so is impossible without first submitting to the Spirit and acknowledging the fact that you actually don’t know nothing—but God knows ALL things. 



Lord, may I meet your expectations. Amen!

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